1st Call for Thesis/Research Proposals for Funding by the NIH Student Research Grant 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Office of the Executive Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is now accepting first (1st) batch of applications for the NIH Student Research Grant for CY 2024. This grant provides funding support for thesis/research projects of UP Manila undergraduate, masteral, PhD, and medical students.
A research grant of up to P100,000.00 each shall be given to deserving research projects to subsidize expenses for maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) only. The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit, subject to appropriate ethical clearance. The thesis/research adviser should endorse the application and will be responsible for financial disbursements and liquidation of funds. Successful applicants are strongly encouraged to publish their results in reputable peer-reviewed journals, and are required to submit to NIH their manuscript in a publishable format ready for submission.
Kindly submit electronic copies of the following requirements on or before 31 January 2024:
1. Word file and pdf of the full thesis/research proposal Note: Please include Line-Item Budget (LIB) and Work Plan/Gantt chart of activities in your thesis/research proposal. All annexes (e.g. ICFs, interview questions, etc.) should be attached to the proposal and not be submitted as separate files.
2. Endorsement letter signed by the Thesis/Research Adviser, Department Chair, and College Dean
3. Certificate of technical review approval from thesis review panel
4. Certificate of ethics review approval or proof of submission to the appropriate ethics review panel (e.g. UPMREB/ IACUC/ IBBC/ etc.), if applicable; otherwise, secure a certificate of exemption from the appropriate panel Note: Ethics review approval/exemption must be secured within 2 months of the grant approval.
5. Certificate of RGAO Registration (register at http://rgao.upm.edu.ph/registration/).
Submissions should be sent via email to Ms. Katrina P. Mañago at src.nih.upm@up.edu.ph. For further inquiries and related concerns, you may coordinate with her at Room 109, NIH Building, UP Manila; send a message to the email address indicated above; or call 8526-4349.