Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

“From Bench to Bedside: Affordable High Quality Diagnostics for the Filipino People”
IMBB aims to promote and implement research focused on prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of Infectious diseases that pose as major threats and primary causes of mortality in the Philippines.
One of the four founding units that comprised the NIH, the Institute was created on 29 September 1994 during the 1080th Meeting of the UP Board of Regents. With strong support from the University and the Department of Science and Technology, IMBB is reinvigorating its efforts in advancing medical and health-related biotechnology research, with a focus on the top ten causes of morbidity and mortality in the country. Flagship programs have generated breakthroughs in dengue, HIV, and neglected tropical diseases. Ongoing work includes zoonotic diseases and emerging viral infections with the potential to inform national policy and aid in the delivery of public health to the Filipino people.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, IMBB has been at the forefront of the scientific and medical response with key contributions in innovative diagnostics, testing, genomics, and policy work. The UP-NIH Molecular Laboratory was the first non-subnational laboratory certified as a COVID-19 testing lab on 20 March 2020 and was run by IMBB project staff, personnel, and volunteers. In the near future, IMBB will continue to play its role in pandemic readiness and plans to spearhead cutting-edge research in SARS-CoV-2 viral evolution and vaccine efficacy.
Hepatitis B Virus Real-time PCR Quantitative HBV-DNA (molecular procedure to detect the presence of Hepatitis B Virus and monitors drug efficiency to the patient)
Hepatitis C Virus Real-time PCR Quantitative (HCV-PCR)
Hepatitis C Virus genotyping
HIV drug resistance testing/genotyping
HIV RNA Real-time PCR Quantitative
CD4 count
HSV/VZV PCR Qualitative
Japanese encephalitis Qualitative
Dengue PCR Qualitative
Chikungunya Real-time PCR Qualitative
Zika Virus PCR Qualitative
GeneXpert Mycobacterium Tubercolosis/Rifampicin
Clostribdium Difficile Ag/Tox A/B Assay
Institute/Center administration:
Director: Edsel Maurice Salvana, MD, DTM&H, FPCP, FIDSA
Office Address: National Institutes of Health Building, UP Manila