Philippine National Ear Institute

The PNEI, previously known as the Ear Institute, was created as approved by the UP Board of Regents in 2001 to be at the forefront in undertaking epidemiological investigation related to disorders of hearing, balance, and their related functions. The Institute pursues researches dealing with the preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of diseases and/or disabilities that may result from malfunctions of the ear and its related organs. It shall provide an environment for comprehensive and integrated studies on hearing, balance, and communicative disorders relevant to Philippine conditions in support of the research and development mission of UP through the NIH.
The passage and signing into law of Republic Act No. 9245 in 2004 formally established the Philippine National Ear Institute within the UP system. It also serves as a teaching laboratory for the students of the UP College of Medicine, residents of the PGH Department of Otorhinolaryngology and students of the Master of Clinical Audiology program of UP Manila. To fulfill its mission, the PNEI has formed partnerships with government and non-government institutions to diagnose, prevent, improve, and treat hearing disorders. PNEI also cooperates with the hearing loss evaluation and management component of the PhilHealth Z package for Children with Disabilities with its hub located in the PGH.
To initiate and conduct institutional and community-based epidemiological studies and researches related to deafness and balance disorders;
To initiate, conduct, monitor and evaluate researches dealing with epidemiological, curative, rehabilitative and preventive aspects of hearing and vestibular disorders;
To disseminate and utilize the results of researches to serve as foundations for decision-making and regulatory policies of health institutions and other national health policy making bodies;
To formulate and implement quality standards on the surveillance and diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of hearing and balance disorders, in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) and other local and international agencies;
To provide an ideal research environment for staff, residents, fellows, students and other individuals involved in the study of hearing, balance and related functions coming from within and outside the University;
To promote, co-ordinate and integrate research activities between different institutions nationally and globally;
To solicit and receive endowments, donations and grants and generate funds and resources from all possible sources necessary for the acquisition, maintenance, operation and upgrading of the facilities and other equipment to attain stated objectives;
To consolidate and reinforce existing government programs, projects and activities related to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals affected by ear diseases;
To formulate policies, programs, rules and regulations necessary for the effective operation of the PNEI subject to the approval of the same by the Board of Regents of the University;
To coordinate and establish partnership with other government agencies such as the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Education (DepEd), Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), private and non-government organizations (NGOs) doing related work in the surveillance and diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of hearing and balance health/disorders;
To initiate, provide, enhance, supplement and support teaching, educational and capability building activities related to hearing and balance health/disorders to other units and institutes of the University; and
To perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the Board of Regents which are consistent with and not otherwise contrary to the provisions of the Act.
Research Programs:
National Ear Research Program focused on the following four (4) major clusters, namely
Surveillance and Diagnosis
Rehabilitation of hearing and balance health/disorders
1. Puretone Audiometry Speech Test
2. Tympanometry
3. Stapedial Reflex
4. Stapedial Reflex Delay
5. Acoustic Reflex
6. Play Audiometry
7. Cold/ Hot Calories
8. Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE or TOAE)
10. Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP )
11. Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry
12. Videonystagmography (VNG) Complete
13. Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT)
14. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP)
15. Speech Aided
16. Hearing and Noise Test (HINT)
17. Electrocochleography
18. ASSR
19. Tinnitus Matching
20. Automated Audiometry Brainstem Response (AABR)
Lists of Current / Ongoing Researches |
SN |
Title |
PI |
1 |
Lack of Methylation Patterns in GJB2 and RB1 Non-coding Regions of Cochlear Implant Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Loss |
Dr. Charlotte Chiong |
2 |
Usability Testing of the Integrated Philippine Electronic National Newborn Hearing Screening Registry and Children with Hearing Impairment Management Systems |
Dr. Rosario Ricalde |
3 |
National Cochlear Implant Program |
4 |
Genetic and Epigenomic Determinants of Hearing Loss in Hispanic populations |
Dr. Charlotte Chiong |
Lists of Planned Researches |
SN |
Title |
PI |
1 |
Implantable Hearing Device Assistance Program |
Dr. Charlotte Chiong |
2 |
Bilateral profound hearing loss need for hearing aid vs. Cochlear Implantation |
Dr. Heather Dulnuan |
3 |
Determining the Association of Chronic Road Traffic ecposure and markers of audiologic abnormalities among Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) workers in EDSA: a cross sectional study |
Dr. Kimberly Ong |
1. Determining concordance and cost impact of otoacoustic emission and automated auditory brainstem response in newborn hearing screening in a tertiary hospital
Ong KMC, Rivera AS, Chan AL, Chiong CM. Determining concordance and cost impact of otoacoustic emission and automated auditory brainstem response in newborn hearing screening in a tertiary hospital. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan;128:109704. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.109704. Epub 2019 Oct 8. Erratum in: Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 May;132:109966. PMID: 31606683.
2. Baseline Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Healthcare Practitioners in Rizal Province, Philippines toward Implementing the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program
Carlos Diego A. Rozul CD, Gregorio ER, Chiong CM. Baseline Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Healthcare Practitioners in Rizal Province, Philippines toward Implementing the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program. Acta MedicaPhilippina 2020; 54(2): 134-141.
3. Temporal Bone Chondroblastoma: Systematic Review of Clinical Features and Outcomes
Omar AT 2nd, Arbizo JL, Ong KMC, Olivar CMG, Rivera JP, Chiong CM, Cabungcal ACA, Khu KJO. Temporal Bone Chondroblastoma: Systematic Review of Clinical Features and Outcomes. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct;142:e260-e270. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.06.192. Epub 2020 Jun 27. PMID: 32603862.
4. Validation of Snort-spit Saliva in Detecting COVID-19 Using RT-PCR and Rapid Antigen Detection Test
Omar AT 2nd, Arbizo JL, Ong KMC, Olivar CMG, Rivera JP, Chiong CM, Cabungcal ACA, Khu KJO. Temporal Bone Chondroblastoma: Systematic Review of Clinical Features and Outcomes. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct;142:e260-e270. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.06.192. Epub 2020 Jun 27. PMID: 32603862.
5. Direct Saliva versus Conventional Nasopharyngeal Swab qRT-PCR to Diagnose SARS – CoV2: Validity Study
Tee ML, Ubial PJR, Ranoa DRE, Te CA, Abrilla AA, Trinidad JPL, Chiong CM, Berba RP, Carillo RJ, Lim MCF, Dalmacio LMM: Direct Saliva versus Conventional Nasopharyngeal swab of qRT-PCR to diagnose SARS-CoV2: Validity Study. Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases. 6(2):37-46, 2021.DOI: 10.9734/AJRID/2021/v6i230193.
6. Identification of Novel Candidate Genes and Variants for Hearing Loss and Temporal Bone Anomalies.
Santos-Cortez, R.L.P.; Yarza, T.K.L.; Bootpetch, T.C.; Tantoco, M..L.C.; Mohlke, K.L.; Cruz, T.L.G.; Chiong Perez, M.E.; Chan, A.L.; Lee, N.R.; Tobias-Grasso, C.A.M.; et al. Identification of Novel Candidate Genes and Variants for Hearing Loss and Temporal Bone Anomalies. Genes 2021, 12, 566. 10.3390/genes12040566
7. Development and Pilot Implementation of the Online Certification of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Personnel
Rozul CDA, Yarza TKL, Catangay-Ombao JV, Cruz TLG. Development of Pilot Implementation of the Online Certification of Universal Newbron Hearing Screening Personnel. Acta Medica Philippina 28 June 2021 [Epub ahead of print]
8. Outcomes of Online Adaptation of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Certification.
Rozul CDA, Yarza TKL, Catangay-Ombao JV. Outcomes of Online Adaptation of the Universal Newbron Hearing Screening Certification. Acta Medica Philippina 5 Aug 2021 [Epub]
Extension Services
- Audiological Services
- Master of Clinical Audiology
- Observership for Audiologists
- Temporal Bone Dissection Course
- Basic Audiology Course
Intramural Collaboration (within UPM)
With the Department of Otolaryngology, Philippine General Hospital
Terms of Collaboration: The Ear Unit serves as the training environment of the Consultants of Philippine National Ear Institute as trainers for the Resident Physicians.
Previous Institute Directors:
- Generoso T. Abes, MD (2001-2014)
- Charlotte M. Chiong (2014-2019)
Erasmo Gonzalo DV Llanes, MD, FPSOHNS
Research Faculty
Dr. Maria Rina Reyes-Quintos
Dr. Charlotte M Chiong
Dr. Rosario R. Ricalde
Dr. Kimberly Mae C. Ong
Administrative Staff Member
Marina Lyn M. Lazaro (Science Research Specialist I)
Ma. Agnes E. Algarme (Administrative Officer)
Kath Nanette S. Bersales (Administrative Services Assistant I)
Irene A. Alacapa (Administrative Services Assistant I)
Contact Number: 8554-84-00 Loc. 2072
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