Institute on Aging


“Towards healthy aging and quality of life”



The creation of the National Institutes of Health was approved by the Board of Regents at its 1094th meeting on 26 January 1996, and with it, the Gerontology and Disabilities Programs Cluster, through the Committee on Aging and Degenerative Diseases (COMADD). Various physicians, academicians, and allied medical professionals within the University of the Philippines system pioneered the COMADD. Its first Chairman was Dr. Clemente Amante, Vice-Chair Dr. Shelley de la Vega, members Dr. Ramon Abarquez, Dr. Jaime Montoya, Dr. May Gose, Dr. Ester Bitnga, Dr. Letty Kuan, Dr. Lourdes Ledesma, Dr. and Alvin Mojica. Within a few years its membership expanded to include Dr. Doris Camagay (Dept. Family Medicine), Ms. Elizabeth Limos (PGH Nutrition), Dr. JD Agapito (UPM CAS), Dr. Araceli Balabagno and Dr. Lydia Manahan (UPCN), Ms. Gayline Manalang (CPH), Mr. Edward James Gorgon (CAMP)Dr. Alvin Mojica and Dr. Dorothy DyChing-Bing Agsoaoay (PGH Dept. Rehabilitation Medicine). 

The Board of Regents of the University approved the establishment of the Institute on Aging (IA) on 04 December 2012, through a Resolution during its 1284th meeting. Its first members were Shelley de la Vega, MD, MSc (ClinEpi), FPCGM (Director); Maria Stella Giron, MD, PhD (Faculty) and Ms. Angely Garcia, RN, MPH (University Research Associate II). 

The Institute is a member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics-Global Ageing Research Network (IAGG-GARN). The goals of the Institute include the conduct of research in the following Key Areas of Research and Development: longitudinal, multi-disciplinary, and evidence-based research is recommended (NAST Monograph on Maximizing QOL of Older Persons thru Better Health 2005). Research dissemination and knowledge translation are also key goals. 

Aside from aging researches and post-graduate courses and trainings in Aging, Geriatrics, and Gerontology, IA is actively involved in the development of policy recommendations, program planning, and creative works, provision of geriatric services through the Geriatric Clinic of the Department of Outpatient Services in the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), and international linkage through the UP-Trento Italy Research Innovation and Staff Exchange (RISE). 

In 2016 the Commission on Higher Education approved the inclusion of Geriatrics in the curriculum. The Director Dr. de la Vega sits as a member of the DOH Technical Working Group (TWG) for Health and Wellness of Senior Citizens, TWG Program Review and Planning on Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunization for Indigent Senior Citizens, and Development of Clinical Pathways and Service Packages for Non-Communicable Diseases. Published monographs include Maximizing the Quality of Life of Older Filipinos thru Better Health (NAST), Content Review of the Manual on Caring for the Elderly, Baseline Surveys for the National Objectives of Health, NAST Resolution on Active Aging, “Acute Confusion.” Essentials in Geriatric Medicine, and the two versions (2005 and 2015) of the book Alzheimer’s Prevention, Screening and Management by the Alzheimer’s disease Association of the Philippines.

A few of its completed studies include NIH Policy Baselines for Allied Medical Professions, Status of Gerontology Education in Philippine Medical and Nursing Schools, Status of Dementia Care and Workforce in the Philippines, State of the Art on Researches on Aging in the Philippines, Quality of Life and Healthcare Needs of ICM Sisters, Cultural Validation of the WHOQOL-BREF in Community-dwelling Filipino Older Persons (UP Manila Journal 2013 December), The Asia-Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Frailty (Journal of Medical Directors Association, 2017), Pilot Implementation of the WHO Dementia Toolkit for Community Workers in Low and Middle Income Countries, and WHO Dementia Field test Project 2018. 

COMADD and IA faculty conduct lectures, plenary teachings and outpatient workshops for students of UP in collaboration with the UP College of Medicine, Philippine General Hospital, College of Nursing, CAMP, DSWD NCMB, and COSE. Examples are learning units on Human Development of the Older Person, Communicating with the Older Person, Policies on Aging, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in the Outpatient Setting, Geriatric Pharmacology, and Geriatric Physiology.  It recently completed the Filipino translation of the Dementia Toolkit for Low and Middle Income Countries, accompanied by a series of YouTube Webinars on Dementia in the Time of COVID, and a Healthy Aging Webpage. 



The Institute on Aging, UP National Institutes of Health, is a nationally recognized leader in the promotion of healthy aging and wellbeing through research, capacity building, and policy development by 2028.



The Institute on Aging of the UP-NIH serves the older persons through inclusive, cutting-edge, science and evidence-based, interdisciplinary, and innovative research, training, services, policies, developing programs and advocacies towards quality of life for all. 

We will efficiently and ethically manage our resources in order to sustain and develop our people and programs. We are a nurturing and compassionate network of experts and esteemed professionals that develop socially responsible scientists, educators, and clinicians for the aging Filipinos and the global community.




  • To contribute to national development and improvement of the quality of life of Filipinos as they age.



  • Guide policy makers in the enactment of health laws, policies and guidelines which improve delivery of quality health programs for older persons.

  • Contribute to the enhancement of medical knowledge on aging and geriatrics and improve the practices of health care professionals.

  • Implement research on essential national health issues and concerns on aging.

  • Lead in the formulation of national health research agenda on aging.

  • Disseminate information on healthy and active aging to the general public.


Key Research Areas

The goals of the Institute include the conduct of research in the following Key Areas of Research and Development. Longitudinal, multi-disciplinary, and evidence-based research is recommended (adapted from NAST Monograph on Maximizing QOL of Older Persons thru Better Health 2005). Research dissemination and knowledge translation are also key goals.

  • Healthy and Active Aging

  • Prevalence and longitudinal studies on morbidity and mortality, functional status and disability

  • Major geriatric syndromes

  • Mental Health and Dementia 

  • Quality of Life

  • Frailty, Falls, and Fractures

  • Socio-cultural determinants of health

  • Health Systems 

  • Implications of health on retirement and pension schemes

  • Rates and reasons for institutionalization or nursing home placement

  • Utilization and access to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, screening and health maintenance

  • Quality of care in public and private hospitals and clinics

  • Status of human resources and community support services

  • Geriatrics and Gerontology Research and Workforce Training

  • Technology for improved access and environmental mastery of disabled and frail older persons

  • Information technology that supports social connectedness, and enhances access to health care

  • Education of older persons that enhance self-worth, self-management of health problems and functional independence

  • Impact of RA 9994 and other national health policies on health and QOL


Flagship programs, 2023-2028

Local and transnational collaborative aging research

  • Implementation of research and development projects


Evidence-based policy recommendations

  • Guidelines development

  • Development of policy briefs based on the findings from the Institute’s researches

  • Submission of policy statements

  • Participation to Congress and technical working groups meetings


Education and training

  • Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment trainings

  • Dementia care training

  • Student research internship/aging research mentorship program


Extension and community services

  • Consultancy services to other government agencies and professional organizations

  • Management of the PGH outpatient geriatric clinic/ Section of Geriatrics


Health promotion and research dissemination

  • Presentations to scientific and public conferences

  • Dissemination of information and useful health resources through multimedia platforms (mass media such as TV and radio, website, webpage, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)



  • University of the Philippines Wellness Initiative for Seniors and Elders (UPWISE)

Funding: UP System thru the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program of OVPAA

  • Focused InTerventions for FRAIL Older Adults Research and Development Program: (FITforFRAIL)

Funding: Department of Health thru the Advancing Health through Evidence-Assisted Decisions (AHEAD) Program

  • WHO Dementia Toolkit Pilot Testing 2017 and Field Test Project 2018

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Continuation and Scale-up Phase of the Dementia Toolkit and mhGAP Implementation in Selected Sites in the Philippines. 2018-2019

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Philippines Geriatric Training and Coaching Modules for DOH Hospitals and Primary Care units 2018-2019.

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Status of Dementia Care and Workforce in the Philippines

Funding: Department of Health 

  • Promoting the Health of Older Adults Living with dementia during COVID-19.

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Beta-testing of Agatha, a Digital Health Worker for Older People

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Relationship of Body Composition to the Functional Capacity and Quality of Life of Older Filipinos in Selected Provinces in the Philippines

Funding: DOST-Food and Nutrition Research Institute

  • University of the Philippines Manila Wellness Initiative for Seniors and Elders

Funding: UP System thru the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program of OVPAA

  • To develop tools and materials in support of a public health response to dementia in the Western Pacific Region

Funding: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and WHO Philippines

  • Situational Analysis and Capability Analysis for Long-Term Care in the Philippines

Funding: National Institutes of Health, UP Manila

  • Exploring Data Governance in Healthcare of Older Persons: A Scoping Review

Funding: National Institutes of Health, UP Manila



  • De la Vega S. (2002). Acute Confusion (book chapter). In Ratnaike, R. N. (2002). Practical guide to geriatric medicine. McGraw-Hill.

  • De la Vega, SF (2002). Patterns of Morbidity and Health Utilization among Older Filipino Women. In Reyes D (Ed) (2002). Women’s Issues in Medical Practice. University of the Philippines Center for Women’s Studies/Ford Foundation.

  • Department of Health. (2002). Baseline Surveys for the National Objectives of Health-Chapter on Older Persons. NIH, and all National Regions, including NCR (nationwide survey). 

  • De la Vega S, Orteza, Martinez. (2005). Methodology and Diagnosis (book chapter). In the Alzheimer's Disease Association of the Philippines. (2005) 1st ed. Recommendations on the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  • De la Vega, Shelley F (Ed.). (2006). Maximizing the Quality of Life of the Elderly Through Better Health. National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines, Manila, Philippines, 112 pp.

  • On Target Investigators. Randomized Trial of Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril

  • Global Endpoint Trial: “ON TARGET”. New England Journal of Medicine, 358;15 March 2008 Role: Co-Investigator

  • Telmisartan Randomised AssessmeNt Study in ACE iNtolerant subjects with cardiovascular Disease (TRANSCEND) Investigators, Yusuf, S., Teo, K., Anderson, C., Pogue, J., Dyal, L., Copland, I., Schumacher, H., Dagenais, G., & Sleight, P. (2008). Effects of the angiotensin-receptor blocker telmisartan on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients intolerant to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet (London, England), 372(9644), 1174–1183.

  • De la Vega, SF. (2009). Policies on Healthcare of Older Persons: Implications to Internal Medicine Training and Practice. Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine. 47 (4), pp XIII-XVII. Accessible from

  • De la Vega, SF. (2009). Active Aging and the Filipino Older Person. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and Technology 31st Annual Scientific Meeting: "Active Aging: Preparing for Quality Life".

  • Hypertension in the Elderly Guidelines. Compendium of Philippine Medicine 2012. Hypertension_in_the_Elderly_CPG_PCGM.pdf (

  • De  la  Vega  SF. (2013).  Cultural  Validation  of  the  WHOQOL-BREF  in  ambulatory  community-dwelling  Filipino  older  persons.  Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development. 17 (1): 8-25

  • Vos, T., Barber, R. M., Bell, B., Bertozzi-Villa, A., Biryukov, S., Bolliger, I., Charlson, F., Davis, A., Degenhardt, L., Dicker, D., Duan, L., Erskine, H., Feigin, V. L., Ferrari, A. J., Fitzmaurice, C., Fleming, T., Graetz, N., Guinovart, C., Haagsma, J., . . . Atkinson, C. (2015). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 386(9995), 743–800.

  • De la Vega S, Orteza, Ledesma. (2015). Diagnosis (book chapter). In the Alzheimer's Disease Association of the Philippines. (2015) 2nd ed. Recommendations on the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  • De la Vega S, Orteza, Martinez. (2015). Background and Methodology (book chapter). In the Alzheimer's Disease Association of the Philippines. (2015) 2nd ed. Recommendations on the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  • Dent, E., Lien, C., Lim, W. S., Wong, W. C., Wong, C. H., Ng, T. P., Woo, J., Dong, B., De La Vega, S., Hua Poi, P. J., Kamaruzzaman, S. B. B., Won, C., Chen, L.-K., Rockwood, K., Arai, H., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Cao, L., Cesari, M., Chan, P., … Flicker, L. (2017). The Asia-Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Frailty. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18(7), 564–575.

  • Dela Vega, S. F., Cordero, C. P., Palapar, L. A., Garcia, A. P., & Agapito, J. D. (2018). Mixed-methods research revealed the need for dementia services and Human Resource Master Plan in an aging Philippines. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 102, 115–122.

  • Castillo-Carandang, N., A. Abrigo, G. N., S. Visco, E., F. de la Vega, S. A., S. Villanueva, L. A., L. Ocampo, L. A., & C. del Mundo, M. D. (2020). Aging, Resilience and Vulnerability of Selected Faculty and Staff (55 years old and above) in an Academic Community in the Philippines. Acta Medica Philippina, 54(5) 2020.

  • Guia C. Tan, S De la Vega, Peter Pojol, A Palma-Angeles, Task force Ethics Guidelines Covid-19 Philippines 2020. (2020). Ethical Guidelines for Leaders in Health Care Institutions during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine: Special Article. Vol. 58. no. 1. pp III-VII. Accessible from

  • De la Vega, S. A. F., Ogena, N. B., Giron, M. S. T., Garcia, A. P., Pellejo, H. M., Fabito, S. J. S., & Medina III, V. O. (2021). Active Aging Health Determinants among Working and Retired Filipino Older Persons Living in an Urban Academic Campus. Acta Medica Philippina, 55(4) 2021.

  • Laude, T.-M. P., Merca, E. E., Torres, R. V., Torres, G. J. R., de la Vega, S. A. F., Garcia, A. P., & Fabito, S. J. S. (2021). A Descriptive Study of the Nutritional and Frailty Status of Working and Retired Employees within an Academic Community in the Philippines. Acta Medica Philippina, 55(7) 2021.

  • De la Vega, S., J.A.A. Perez III and L.G.E.S. Borja (2021), ‘The Philippine Health and Care Workforce in and Ageing World’, in Komazawa, O. and Y. Saito (eds.), Coping with Rapid Population Ageing in Asia. Jakarta: ERIA, pp.96-101. 

  • Siongco, K. L. L., Nakamura, K., Seino, K., Moncatar, T. R. T., Tejero, L. M. S., De La Vega, S. A. F., Bonito, S. R., Javier, R., Tsutsui, T., Tashiro, Y., Al-Sobaihi, S., Lorenzo, F. M. E., & Canila, C. C. (2021). Improving Community Health Workers’ Attitudes toward Collaborative Practice in the Care of Older Adults: An In-Service Training Intervention Trial in the Philippines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 9986.

  • Nakamura, K., Siongco, K. L. L., Moncatar, T. R. T., Tejero, L. M. S., De La Vega, S. A. F., Bonito, S. R., Javier, R., Tsutsui, T., Tri Han, T. D., Vo, M. T. H., Tashiro, Y., Al-Sobaihi, S., Seino, K., Van Vo, T., Lorenzo, F. M. E., & Canila, C. C. (2022). In-service training programme for health and social care workers in the Philippines to strengthen interprofessional collaboration in caring for older adults: a mixed-methods study. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20(S1), 111.

  • Garcia, A. P., de la Vega, S. A. F., Giron, M. S. T., & Fabito, S. J. S. (2022). Visual and Hearing Impairments among Working and Retired Employees with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Two Academic Communities in the Philippines. Acta Medica Philippina, 56(3) 2022.

  • Garcia, A. P., De La Vega, S. F., & Mercado, S. P. (2022). Health Information Systems for Older Persons in Select Government Tertiary Hospitals and Health Centers in the Philippines: Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(2), e29541.

  • Giron, M. S., & de la Vega, S. A. (2022). Prevalence of Diabetes Among Community-Living Older Persons in the Philippines:: The FITforFrail Study. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 37(2), 23–27.

  • Tabu, I. A., & Cortez, K. A. (2022). Short-term Outcomes of Patients with Fragility Hip Fractures Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Managed in a COVID-19 Referral Hospital with an Orthogeriatric Team. Acta Medica Philippina, 56(20).

  • De la Vega S. (2023). Chapter 10 The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. In: Mejia A, ed. The PCP Textbook of Internal Medicine, 1st ed. Pasig City: Philippine College of Physicians; pp. 283-317 

  • Garcia, M. C. U., de la Vega, S. A. F., & Yanga-Mabunga, M. S. T. (2023). Periodontal Status of Filipino Older Adults in the Focused Interventions for FRAIL Older Adults Research and Development Program (FITforFRAIL): A Cross-sectional Study. Acta Medica Philippina.

  • Felipe-Dimog, E. B., Realce Tumulak, M.- am J., Garcia, A. P., Liang, F.-W., Silao, C. L. T., Hsu, M.-T., Saragih, I. D., & Sia-ed, A. B. (2023). Caring Behavior of Filipinos toward their Elderly Family Members. Acta Medica Philippina.

  • Tabu, I. A., Araneta, K. T. S., Alpuerto, B. B., 2nd, Delgado, G. D., Lai, J. G. L., San Juan, J. A. G., Ho, A., Jr, Reyes, M. R. B., De Vera, J., Syquia, J. F. C., Manalastas, R. E. C., Tablante, A. J. C., Brabante, A. M. T., Dimayuga, C. C. D., Pacheco, D. M., Baclig, P. Y., Co, A. S. T., Yap, J. A. D., & UPM-OFFM Associate Investigators and Fragility FIRST Philippines (2023). Improving fragility hip fracture care through data: a multicentre experience from a country with an emerging economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ open quality, 12(Suppl 2), e002299.

  • Tabu, I., Goh, E. L., Appelbe, D., Parsons, N., Lekamwasam, S., Lee, J. K., Amphansap, T., Pandey, D., Costa, M., & FERMAT collaborators and the Global Fragility Fracture Network Hip Fracture Audit Special Interest Group (2023). Service availability and readiness for hip fracture care in low- and middle-income countries in South and Southeast Asia. Bone & joint open, 4(9), 676–681.

  • Garcia, A. P. (2024). Towards Evidence-based Care: Promoting Cognitive Well-being of Older People. Acta Medica Philippina, 58(6).

  • Garcia, A. P., de la Vega, S. A. F., Balingbing, A. M. S., Orlino, M. A. C. D., Herber, J. M. M., & Viloria-Larin, A. L. (2024). Are Filipinos Ready for Long-term Care? A Qualitative Study on Awareness, Perspectives, and Challenges of Relevant Organizations, Community Leaders, Carers, and Older Persons in Select Sites in the Philippines. Acta Medica Philippina.


Dementia Toolkits

  • Technical Guidance and Review:

  • World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific. (2018). Dementia toolkit for community workers in low-and middle-income countries: guide for community- based management and care of people with dementia. Manila, Philippines.License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Accessible from

  • World Health Organization Philippines (2022). Dementia toolkit for community workers in low-and middle-income countries: guide for community-based management and care of people with dementia (Toolkit Para sa Komunidad: Gabay na Tutulong sa Komunidad sa Pag-asikaso at Pangangalaga sa mga may Demensya). Accessible from
    [YouTube link:]


PHEX  Guidelines

  • De la Vega, SF. (2003). Recommendations for Thyroid Screening. In the Department of Health (2003). Periodic Health Examination (PHEX), PHILCLEN.

  • Department of Health (2022). Philippine Guidelines on Periodic Health Examination (PHEX II): Screening for Mental Health and Addiction. Accessible from



  • COVID-19 in the Decade of Healthy Aging: A Call to Address the Needs of Filipino Older Persons

  • Strengthen National Geriatric Program for Filipinos in the Decade of Healthy Aging

  • A Call to Strengthen the Dementia Awareness and Friendliness and Risk Reduction in the Western Pacific Region

  • University of the Philippines: A University for All Ages

  • A Call for the Integration of Health Information Systems for Older Persons in the Philippines

  • Mandatory Inclusion of Geriatric Competencies in the Training of Health and Care Professionals in the Philippines.

  • Nutritional Intervention to prevent declines in Physical and emotional Well-being among Filipino Older Persons

  • State of Vaccination among Filipino Older Persons: A Call to Action

  • Mental Health Matters: The Need for Mental Health Services for Older persons at the Barangay Level

  • The Need for a Regular Community-based Exercise Program for Older Filipinos

  • Implement the Community Eye Health Program for Older Persons to Reduce Visual Problems, Falls, and Frailty




Shelley Ann F. De la Vega, MD, MSc (ClinEpi), FPCGM

Professor and Director


Angely P. Garcia, RN, MPH

Research Assistant Professor 2

Ma. Celina U. Garcia, DMD

Affiliate Research Assistant Professor

Liela R. Ferrer, MD, FPCGM

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Veeda Michelle M. Anlacan, MD, FPNA

Affiliate Research Faculty

Carla Krishan A. Cuadro, MRS-SP, CSP-PASP

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Cristopher L. Naguit

Administrative Services Officer I




Jose Alvin P. Mojica, MD, FPCGM

PGH, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine


Dorothy DyChing Bing-Agsaoay, MD

PGH, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine


Doris Mariebel D. Camagay, MD, MHA, FPCGM

UP College of Medicine


Josephine D. Agapito, DrPH

UP College of Arts and Sciences


Lydia T. Manahan, RN, MAN, PhD

UP College of Nursing


Araceli O. Balabagno, RN, MAN, PhD

UP College of Nursing


Gayline Manalang Jr. PTRP, MOH

UP College of Public Health


Contact details

Office Address: 

     Room 211, 2/F National Institutes of Health Bldg., UP Manila, 623 Pedro Gil St. Ermita, Manila 1000 


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Social Media:

     Twitter: @FITPhilippines

Official Email address:,

Fax or Telefax: 

      (632)  85264349 loc 103 
